
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tea Party III

I'm doing it again! :)

Tea Party 3 is here and by the looks of the flyer.....we goin' IN! LOLThis time we'll be talking about....SEX! Yes,we will be talking about the stereotypes and stigmas that exist in our community and if you were at the last Tea Party you know that we give it to you raw! (No pun...practice safe sex :)
Returning to the male advisory panel we have the intelligent, handsome gentlemen listed below with a few surprise additions to be announced later:
Benjamin Degraaf
Lincoln Blades
Richard Okolo
Adrian Worrell
Marlon Brown

This is a judgement-free event so I ask that you come with an open mind, and respect for other opinions and practices.

Tickets $35 and includes:
Light lunch
Complimentary Bar
Gift Bags
Great Time!...All-Inclusive!

270 Wellington Street West Toronto, ON M5V 9C9
1-2pm Networking
2-6pm Discussion (Forum starts at 2pm sharp)

Or email transfer to:

For Info: msg me here, email me at or CLICK HERE for the Facebook invite.
Can't wait to see you again and to all the new comers...welcome! You're gonna love it!
This is a great event for those who want to take advantage of this unique social experience!
I'll leave you with one question to think about:How open and expressive are you sexually....with others?
Get your answers ready :)
~Tea ♥